God’s idea of a good time!

Who we are
Blaine and Christine Bowman were married in August 1977 and have been on the road, engaged in full-time ministry of God’s Word and music since returning from their honeymoon. They continue to conduct 125 to 150 meetings and concerts annually, including events such as church meetings, teaching seminars, festivals, fairs, revivals, conferences, city parks, biker rallies, cowboy churches, staff parties, Christmas and Valentine banquets, pulpit supply, private parties, and retreats. With several number one songs on the gospel charts, they also received the Comedian of the Year award from CGMG in 2002. Their children, Tiffany and Luke, accompanied them in full-time ministry for over 20 years and still occasionally, along with other gifted musicians, join them on the road. Approximately one-third of Blaine & Christine’s travel time is spent as a band, and the rest as a duet. Christine, a gifted concert pianist, collaborates with Blaine, a professional guitarist, bassist, and pianist, who has produced over 75 musical projects. They have covered over 2,000,000 miles since their marriage.